Thank you for your interest in a Newfoundland rescue dog. You will be asked to complete a detailed questionnaire by the local regional club which is designed to assess your suitability as a home for a rescued Newf and to help match a dog to your particular lifestyle. The questions are also meant to help you determine if a Newf is the right breed for you. Your decision to adopt a rescued Newf should be based on a desire to help a dog in need, not as a way to find an inexpensive puppy. We don’t have puppies and very seldom have dogs two years old or younger. The average age of a rescued Newf tends to be three to seven - occasionally even older. It is our belief that every Newf (with a good temperament) is entitled to a happy home to live out its life.
Please give some thought to each of the following questions. Newfoundlands are high-maintenance dogs and, while you may love the breed, you may discover that you do not have the required time or resources to devote to upkeep. But, if you do, a Newf will more than repay you with a lifetime of love and loyalty.
- Are you prepared to spend $150 or more each year on heartworm preventative, flea control and annual vaccinations for a giant breed like a Newfoundland?
- Are you willing to spend a half hour every other day for regular grooming and more time during the spring and fall shedding periods or have the dog professionally groomed?
- Are you prepared to deal with the cost (which is often more expensive due to the breed’s large size) of non-routine/emergency veterinary care, especially as the dog gets older?
- Are you willing to provide training to solve any behavior problems?
Please answer all questions as completely and truthfully as you can (you will not be rejected as a possible placement solely on the basis of your answers). Or, if you prefer to call a rescue contact, please click here for the closest regional club to your area.
Due to the overwhelming responses from potential adoptive parents, we ask that you please follow up with your local Rescue Chairperson five (5) days after submitting this on-line Inquiry Form. Thank you for your interest in Newf Rescue!
Don't forget, when you do adopt a rescued Newf, submit photos to our FaceBook page